Zyrrkinoth de Deresnels

Basic Info

Name: Zyrrkinoth de Deresnels
Nickname(s): Zyrr
Moniker: Bolt from the Black
Age: 28
Nameday: 3rd Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon (7/3)
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Nationality: Ishgardian
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender Male (he/him/his)
Orientation: Demiromantic Asexual
Alignment: Neutral Good, with the occasional swing to Chaotic Good
Marital Status: Married


Zyrrkinoth was born the only son of Ser Odoux de Deresnels and his Duskwight wife, Alianne, but his birth came with a very noticeable flaw: his aetheric balance was heavily overpolarized towards Light. This thus threatened his life before it had the chance to begin, and his parents, desperate to save their son, enlisted the aid of one skilled in the dark arts. With the aid of a Far Eastern voidmage named Kuusho, they had Zyrrkinoth's soul infused with that of a Voidsent, a Blackguard named Tsemshatel, in the hopes of balancing out Zyrrkinoth's Light with Tsemshatel's Darkness. Through careful wording of the contract with Tsemshatel, as well as a hidden failsafe, this plan ultimately worked; the Darkness balanced out the overabundance of Light and allowed Zyrrkinoth to live.However, as Zyrrkinoth grew up, Tsemshatel "grew up" with him, growing in strength and eventually growing powerful enough to try to usurp Zyrrkinoth's body, which he proceeded to do on the boy's 15th nameday. Things here took a turn for the truly bizarre, as while the Voidsent did usurp the body and caused horns to begin to grow from Zyrrkinoth's head...Odoux's failsafe then came into play, wiping the Voidsent's memory of everything except his "life" with Zyrrkinoth. As he had "grown up" with Zyrrkinoth, having spent 15 years in his body at this point, he thus knew nothing else and ultimately latched on to Zyrrkinoth's memorys, causing him to see himself as "Zyrrkinoth", as well. Everything between the Voidsent and the real Zyrrkinoth became identical, right down to their personalities, as the Voidsent's original identity was, for the time being, lost. The only difference between the two sides of him at this point was their aether - one soul of Light, and one soul of Darkness. Thus, even the Voidsent was blind to anything being awry, continuing to act as the real Zyrrkinoth had because he thought he was the real Zyrrkinoth, while the real Zyrrkinoth lingered in the back of his mind, now too weak to keep control of his own body.Many moons would pass, before Ser Odoux left Ishgard without saying where or explaining why. He had promised to his then 17-year-old son that he would return one day to teach him the ways of the Dragoon, before leaving for parts unknown...And then the Calamity struck, five years after Odoux had left. Because of the sheer scope of the devastation, Zyrrkinoth believed his father killed - if not in the Calamity itself, then in the chaos that followed. Not long afterwards, his maternal uncle, Lasaux Ruivair - his mother's brother - also disappeared, further worrying Zyrrkinoth and fueling a sense of wanderlust in Alianne, and so she left as well. No longer feeling as if he had a place in Ishgard, Zyrrkinoth, too, left to pursue his own destiny, whatever it would be, and made ends meet as an adventurer for five long years.On the tail end of his adventuring days, in a night club he frequented, Zyrrkinoth learned the truth behind his father's death: a band of mercenaries, hired by rival House Amboise, had hunted down and murdered Ser Odoux on the grounds of him having sympathized with dragonkind. The discovery of this truth, as well as the revelation that Odoux was the leader of a pro-dragon squadron of Dragoons known as the Black Scales, led Zyrrkinoth to ultimately return to Ishgard to receive formal Dragoon training, underneath his father's best friend and squadron-mate, Ser Jacques de Abero. In a series of unfortunate events, however, Zyrrkinoth was forced to give Jacques a merciful death after the older Dragoon was found to have gone dangerously insane. He proceeded to take his revenge against House Amboise not long after, accidentally preventing a plot to bring war back to Ishgard's doorstep, though this came at the cost of Lord Amboise's life. For a time, House Amboise's status would be shattered.Afterwards, however, his Voidsent aether began to fly out of control, culminating in him accidentally poisoning his own mother. Devastated and guilty, Zyrrkinoth traveled to the Far East to find a cure, and encountered an ally of Kuusho, the voidmage who had saved his life years prior. It was from this nameless ally that he learned the truth of his own birth, that he was infused with the soul of a Voidsent in order to ensure his survival... but now the real Zyrrkinoth was rebelling, having regained his strength, and was now trying to retake control of his body. This, of course, was causing a Voidsent's nature to manifest in Zyrrkinoth's behavior; if he didn't make peace with himself fast, there was no telling what would happen to him.Eventually, thanks to a special slumber in which the "two" Zyrrkinoths could converse within their shared subconscious, the pair of souls reached an accord and seemed to merge into one whole being, with the Voidsent soul falling dormant. After this, Zyrrkinoth decided to claim his birthright as the Heir of House Deresnels, as he sought to reclaim a sense of responsibility.However, it didn't take long before the stress of noble life began to eat away at Zyrrkinoth. Lord Auvraux de Deresnels, the acting Lord of the house in his late brother's stead, took it upon himself to "prepare" Zyrrkinoth for the day he would take over. However, the open-minded, forward-thinking Zyrrkinoth often butted heads and clashed with his traditional, "proper" uncle, to the point of not-so-affectionately nicknaming him a "crusty old gargoyle" who couldn't let go of "the old ways".On his 28th nameday, a gift arrived from Lasaux in the form of a silver bracelet. However, the man himself was still missing, and Zyrrkinoth vowed to locate him - a vow that launched him into a sorely-needed distraction from the life of a nobleman. Though dangerous and dark, Zyrrkinoth eventually learned that Lasaux was the acting leader of a crime syndicate, and though he'd hoped to dismantle them from the inside, he'd gotten his own hands tied. Lasaux was caught and arrested, but as Zyrrkinoth met with him, he was quite literally backstabbed by one of the remaining syndicate members. Lasaux was taken to the medical ward of an Ul'dahn prison, though Zyrrkinoth hasn't heard from him since. This ordeal was enough to convince Alianne to return to Ishgard and remain at home for the foreseeable future, both for her own safety and to support her son in his endeavors.Several moons later, as talk of the conflict with the Garlean Empire reached a head, Lord Auvraux suddenly and mysteriously vanished with nary a word to be said or written. With Auvraux missing, the lordship of House Deresnels naturally passed on to Zyrrkinoth himself. The added stress caused Zyrrkinoth's Voidsent powers to once again manifest, initially doing so as a series of unstable and involuntary short-range teleportations. Though he has long since stabilized these abilities and begun to utilize them through the presence of a Reaper Soul Crystal, the Voidsent within - dubbed as "Rryz" due to his amnesia at the time - gained a personality of his own once more, having given up on his original goals and choosing to simply keep Zyrrkinoth (and thus himself) alive. In the meantime, Zyrrkinoth has sworn to fulfill Lord Auvraux's final wish, to put the former nobleman out of his tormented existence as a Blasphemy, though a little bit of time and preparation would be needed beforehand.Even these preparations couldn't stop the budding feelings Zyrrkinoth began to have for one of his fellow patrons in the Relic, however. Though considering Getty Leigh only a "good friend" for the longest time, it was only with constant prodding from various members of the dive bar's staff that he managed to confess his feelings. Thankfully, the feeling was mutual, and after some time, the two decided to make it official and began going steady.Eventually, the question of Rryz's original identity began burning in the minds of both the Voidsent and his mortal partner alike, and the two resolved to finally solve the mystery. Traveling to the Azim Steppe alongside Getty, Zyrrkinoth learned that almost nothing was left of the voidmage who had saved him, and he was all but replaced with a monster who hungered for both power and the secrets to eternal youth and immortality. Thus did he and Getty ultimately put down Kuusho, but not before learning Rryz's original identity as Tsemshatel, with the name being enough to restore the Voidsent's memory. The revelations ultimately left the Voidsent conflicted over what he would consider to be his true identity, so he thus retreated into the back of Zyrrkinoth's mind to reconcile his memories as Tsemshatel with those as Rryz. Eventually, he came to the decision to use the name of his original self, but the new personality he had come to develop over the course of his amnesia... even though some friends still call him "Rryz" out of habit.Time went on, however, and the Relic eventually closed its doors as a public venue. Now it has restructured as the Wayward Acquisitions Company, and new opportunities await - opportunities that both mortal and Voidsent hope to be part of, even as they face pressure from rivals both old and new.Despite, or perhaps because of the odds, Zyrrkinoth's determination has not wavered. He has vowed to make his own legacy, as the tale of Ser Odoux has long since ended......and the tale of Zyrrkinoth de Deresnels has just begun.

Appearance & Personality

Physical Appearance
(View of his head from the front, his left, his right, and the back, which includes his hair, horns, eyes, facial tattoos, and facial scars)
Hair: Black in color, long and straight (chest-length). Often tied up into a Gyr Abanian plait.
Eyes: Heterochromatic - his left eye is gold and his right eye is green.
> • When Tsemshatel is in control, both eyes are gold with black sclerae.
Height: Six fulms and ten ilms (6'10''), not counting his horns.
Build: Lean but muscular, emphasizing his agility.
Distinguishing Marks: Green facial tattoos, a black tattoo on his right arm, multiple facial scars, multiple vertical scars on his back, claw-like fingernails, sharp canine teeth (resembling small fangs), and horns (yes, real horns).
Aether: His aether is a pale icy blue, resembling the frozen-over rivers and lakes of the western Coerthas highlands. It is aspected to Ice, and it has an Umbral polarity due to the circumstances of Zyrrkinoth's birth.
> • Tsemshatel's aether is violet in color, of a slightly brighter shade than that of most Voidsent. It is unaspected with an Astral polarity, which is not surprising in itself - what is surprising is that it balances out with Zyrrkinoth's Umbral polarity and cancels it out, forming the basis of the pair's symbiotic pact.
Voice: He has a slight Ishgardian accent (barely audible unless he's agitated). His voice, while not too terribly deep, sounds suave and smooth while calm and yet rough and intimidating when angered.
> • When Tsemshatel is in control, his voice deepens and gains a slight echo. The echo becomes more pronounced the louder he speaks or screams, particularly when he is angry or startled (or actively trying to intimidate foes).
Zyrrkinoth's traits are in bold. Tsemshatel's traits are in italics. Both means both the mortal and the Voidsent share the same trait.
• Extroverted / In-Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In-Between / Organized
• Close-Minded / In-Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In-Between / Anxious
• Disagreeable / In-Between / Agreeable
• Cautious / In-Between / Reckless
Patient / In-Between / Impatient
• Outspoken / In-Between / Reserved
• Leader / In-Between / Follower
• Empathetic / In-Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / Realistic / Pessimistic
• Traditional / In-Between / Modern
Hard-Working / In-Between / Lazy
• Cultured / In-Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In-Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In-Between / Unfaithful

Personal Life

Any aspects of his personal life held by Tsemshatel are in italics.Occupation: Lord of House Deresnels, a member of the Knights Dragoon, and a veteran member of the Wayward Acquisitions Company. He also does some adventuring, mining, and botany on the side when he can, and he has recently taken up alchemy in order to keep the Company's medicinal stores stocked.Likes: Honesty, adventure, having fun, and seeing the Aurora Borealis in Coerthas (possibly stargazing in general)Dislikes: Liars & deceivers (especially those who do so for personal gain), bullies, rain, and those who threaten his friends and familyHobbies: Dancing, singing, and on rare occasions, hunting monsters and dangerous beasts. He has also recently discovered a small talent in goldsmithing.
Tsemshatel has a small talent in weaving from the days before the Void was, well, the Void, but has yet to utilize this talent in the Source.
Quirks: He tends to tap objects or surfaces (i.e. drink glasses or the countertop) with his fingernails when he is nervous; if no such things are nearby, he starts fidgeting with his clothes/armor instead.
Tsemshatel shares Zyrrkinoth's tapping/fidgeting quirk, with a notable addition: if his wings are showing, they'll involuntarily twitch if he is nervous. Whenever he's bored, he'll use minor Voidsent magic to doodle in the air with his fingertip.
Known Languages: Common and Hingan, though he has a very pronounced accent with the latter.Residence: While he lives in Deresnels Manor in Ishgard with his family and retainers, he also has an apartment to himself - a place he can escape to when he feels the need to be by himself for a bit. Both are located in the Empyreum district.Birthplace: Ishgard.Religion: Agnostic - he tries not to think too hard on it and isn't particularly active in practicing, but he can be heard praying to Halone if a situation turns sour and he still takes insults to worship of Her very poorly.
Tsemshatel is atheistic.
Patron Deity: Halone, the Fury.Phobias: He has mild astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning), mild atychiphobia (fear of failure), and severe trypanophobia (fear of needles in medical settings).
Tsemshatel shares Zyrrkinoth's mild astraphobia. In addition, he also has mild mycophobia (fear of mold).


All of Zyrrkinoth's outfits have the Arch Demon Horns on his head and, if his hands are exposed, the Claws of the Beast on his hands.
Dragoon armor & spear (Active spearhead in battle)
Nobleman attire
"Non-Nobleman" Formal
Cold Weather: Casual & Nobleman
Hot Weather
Tsemshatel (Armored) (Active scythe blades in battle)
Tsemshatel (Casual)
Tsemshatel Cold Weather


Small details that don't really fit anywhere else.• His favorite color is midnight blue; this color is present in every outfit he wears.• His favorite element is Wind, while his least favorite element is Earth.
> • Tsemshatel's favorite element is Lightning. He shares Zyrrkinoth's least favorite element of Earth.
• His life's motto is a line that was spoken by his mentor: "Be not a spear in the sky, but thunder from the heavens."• His chosen title as a Dragoon is the "Bolt from the Black", not only referring to his father's role as leader of the Black Scale Dragoons, but also to the above quote from his mentor comparing a Dragoon to a thunderbolt. On a more minor note, it also refers to the blinding speed at which he can strike in battle.• Although both his current spear and current armor were custom-made for him, the armor in particular has sentimental value as it was crafted by his cousin Ilvaux as a Starlight gift.
> • Adding on to the above, his spear has been reinforced and altered to double as a scythe - the scythe blades take the appearance of smaller, more "decorative" blades when not in use, unfolding and extending at Zyrrkinoth's (or Tsemshatel's) will.
• He possesses Voidsent powers, made stable by the presence of a Reaper soul crystal on his person. Most of these powers manifest in his Reaper abilities, though some are unique to him:
> • He has the ability to teleport a short distance in any direction of his choosing (including into the air, unlike the "standard" Reaper teleports). If he is sufficiently startled, however, he can possibly teleport in a random direction out of impulse, which can subsequently cause him to injure himself if he hits a wall, floor, or ceiling.
> • He has the ability to cause shadow damage with his claw-like fingernails, though he tends to not employ this ability unless he is desperate.
> • He can channel his dark power into his spear/scythe, and in fact had it specially crafted to be able to conduct said power; its recent reinforcment and alteration further refined this trait. This causes a similar shadow damage effect to his claws, but to a lesser extent since it isn't quite as direct.
> • His Enshrouded appearance (a.k.a. whenever Tsemshatel is in control) is as follows:
>> • His eyes turn into Tsemshatel's, becoming gold with black sclerae.
>> • His outfit is replaced by fiendish armor or by a different casual outfit, depending on the circumstances and Tsemshatel's mood.
>> • A pair of wings may appear on his back at Tsemshatel's will. Though Tsemshatel can fly with them and remain airborne, he tends to avoid doing so and has confessed that the reason is that he is bad at landing.
> • Tsemshatel possesses a sensitivity to aether that he can only barely control. Most of the time, this results in him becoming tense and/or antsy in the presence of strong aether; the stronger the aether, the more stressed he'll be.
• Despite the Voidsent powers being stable for the most part, Tsemshatel possesses a distinct personality of his own. Furthermore, Zyrrkinoth and Tsemshatel can switch control of the body at will, signaled by their eye color changing, and if one is in mental or emotional distress, the other can take control in order to keep the body safe if needed.
> • If he is wearing casual attire, Tsemshatel has a visual cue in the form of a ring he wears on his right hand. To those who are aware of Zyrrkinoth and Tsemshatel sharing a body, he will flash the ring to subtly let them know ahead of time that he is in control.
> • Tsemshatel doesn't act too differently from Zyrrkinoth himself, a product of the years he spent with amnesia having "imprinted" some of Zyrrkinoth's traits onto him. These traits include Zyrrkinoth's brutal honesty and overall rowdy personality, though Tsemshatel's speech is slightly more formal in tone.
• He has a high tolerance for cold weather, able to wear sleeveless outfits in the snowy conditions of Ishgard during every season except winter. Despite this, he still dresses for the poor weather of Coerthas (and other similarly-cold regions) because hypothermia is not a joke. (He likely can handle it, but he saw a fellow Dragoon trainee freeze to death once and doesn't want to take that chance himself.) Even so, he tends to attribute his high tolerance to the cold to his Ice-aspected aether making him "used" to it; owing to this, he subsequently has a low tolerance for hot weather, especially during summer. In hot conditions, unless the situation calls for him to be in his armor, he'll likely be exposing as much skin as possible (and socially acceptable) in an attempt to cool himself off.
> • Tsemshatel has the opposite tolerances; he has a high tolerance for hot weather, but a low tolerance for cold weather. The reason for this is a mystery, even to the two of them.
• The green tattoos on his face are a family tradition from his Duskwight side - according to his mother, every member of the Ruivair family has at least one green tattoo on their face. He likes the tattoos, so he has never once questioned it.• Poor Zyrrkinoth just cannot cook. Period. Calling it the "Curse of House Deresnels" (as it is well known that none of the men in the family can cook), anything Zyrrkinoth does try to cook comes out only barely edible at best. Tsemshatel isn't any better.


Father: Ser Odoux de Deresnels, the leader of the Black Scale Dragoons and the Lord of House Deresnels prior to his death. He left Ishgard ten years ago in order to protect his wife and son, and was hunted down and slain by bounty hunters hired by a rival noble house (allegedly for crimes he'd performed against the Holy See at the time). Finding this out long after the fact made Zyrrkinoth livid, but he has since had his fill of vengeance for the deed.Mother: Lady Alianne de Deresnels (née Ruivair), a bow-wielding treasure hunter who was prone to bouts of wanderlust, especially after the untimely death of her husband. These bouts, however, almost always ended with her returning to Ishgard, allowing her to remain in close relations with her son. Lately, however, she has chosen to remain in Ishgard in order to support her son in his endeavors.Siblings: N/A - as far as he is aware, Zyrrkinoth is an only child. He does, however, sometimes affectionately refer to Tsemshatel as his "brother from another realm"; Tsemshatel happily returns the sentiment.Partner: Getty Leigh, his wife. He tends to be openly romantic with her when the mood strikes him, though he still flusters very easily whenever she flirts back (he claims he's been getting better at this), and he can be rather protective of her when he feels that she is in danger. Overall, though, their relationship revolves around a phrase the two are known to say to each other - "Make interesting choices." - and thus far, this has given their relationship a pretty solid foundation.Children: N/A - though he is married, Zyrrkinoth does not yet plan to have children.Paternal Uncle: Lord Auvraux de Deresnels, the acting Lord of House Deresnels prior to his untimely fate. He and Zyrrkinoth did not see eye-to-eye, often butting heads with each other, but as Zyrrkinoth had claimed his birthright as the Heir to House Deresnels, Auvraux begrudgingly taught and prepared him for the life of a nobleman. To his irritation, his nephew was more determined to become his own vision of what a nobleman should be, rather than what tradition dictated; Zyrrkinoth likewise saw Auvraux is a "crusty old gargoyle" who couldn't seem to let go of the past. Despite both sides' annoyances with each other, there was a begrudging respect between the two: Auvraux saw a lot of his late brother in Zyrrkinoth, while Zyrrkinoth still saw Auvraux as family and would be beside himself if he let Auvraux die. Recently, however, Auvraux has suffered a fate worse than death in the Final Days, and Zyrrkinoth is making preparations to put the poor creature down as per Auvraux's final wish.Paternal Cousin: Ilvaux de Deresnels, Auvraux's only son. Despite Zyrrkinoth being a year older than him, Ilvaux tends to see himself as an "older brother" figure to him. Secretly, he was ecstatic when Zyrrkinoth claimed his birthright as Heir to House Deresnels, as Ilvaux had no interest in the title (but would never admit it out loud) and has a nervous streak that would have only complicated the role even further. Rumor has it that he had begun training as a Dragoon after being inspired by his cousin's example, though his nervousness tended to be his own worst adversary in this regard; lately, however, he has shoved aside his Dragoon training to take on the more mundane duties of House Deresnels so as to ensure that Zyrrkinoth isn't completely swamped.Maternal Uncle: Lasaux Ruivair, Alianne's older brother. Although he was close with his sister and nephew, he disappeared after the Calamity, worrying Alianne greatly. Five years later, it was found that he had joined a crime syndicate both to earn gil for his sister and nephew and to destroy it from the inside out, and quickly rose through the ranks to become its acting leader, though a series of events has led to him being caught and arrested. He was last known to be in the medical ward of an Ul'dahn prison after literally being stabbed in the back.Retainers: Auzaux Raiton and Auldort Raiton, Zyrrkinoth's two retainers, both of whom are Ishgardian Elezen men. After Zyrrkinoth claimed his birthright as Heir to House Deresnels, his uncle insisted that he get a couple of retainers of his own; as a bit of a joke, he decided on this pair of identical twin brothers with raven black hair. Ever since then, the two have risen to become Zyrrkinoth's head retainers.
Wild and rough Auzaux follows his "Chief's" example as a Dragoon (albeit still in training), while polite and calm Auldort can typically be found working in the Firmament.
To everyone's relief (especially their master's), the two have chosen to adopt different hairstyles, have dyed the tips of their hair different colors, and wear different colors of attire so that Zyrrkinoth can tell them apart:
• Auzaux ties his hair up, dyes the tips red, and wears blue clothing.
• Auldort leaves his hair down (and a bit unkempt), dyes the tips blue, and wears red clothing.
Voidsent "Avatar": Tsemshatel, a Voidsent who has shared Zyrrkinoth's body for his entire life, originally a Blackguard of the fourth rung of the Voidsent hierarchy.
From ages 15 to 27, it was actually Tsemshatel in control of the body due to magic-induced memory loss, causing him to believe for that amount of time to have been Zyrrkinoth and only relinquishing control prior to his 28th nameday after remembering his true Voidsent nature.
He was given the nickname of "Rryz" by Getty several moons later after he initially failed to recall his memories, though he has largely abandoned its use in favor of his original name.
In recent days, his original memory has returned, though he has chosen to abandon his original goals entirely to stay with Zyrrkinoth, acting as the man's Reaper "Avatar" (though more often than not Zyrrkinoth gives him control and lets him fight with the full Reaper repertoire instead).
Thanks to a (typically) invisible aetheric tether, he typically takes the form of a hawk and remains close to Zyrrkinoth when he's not in control, unless he's been ordered to remain hidden from sight (in which case he fully retreats into their shared subconscious). In hawk form he can be up to a malm away from Zyrrkinoth, allowing him to also keep watch or spy on Zyrrkinoth's command, but any farther than that and Zyrrkinoth will feel faint from their aetheric tether being stretched too thin (and may potentially become sick or pass out). If the need arises, he can also take the form of a violet lanner and ferry Zyrrkinoth around on his back.


(Part-Time) Adventurer: Zyrrkinoth loves a good adventure now and again, because as much as he loves his self-made role as the "Bolt from the Black", being part of Ishgard's elite fighting force and a member of the Holy See's social elite can be such a bore. All one needs to do is ask if he wants in, and he'll undoubtedly say "yes", even if just to get out of Ishgard and away from his lordly duties for a bit.Dragoons: Zyrrkinoth loves meeting other Dragoons! He sees it as an easy way to make friends with more Ishgardians.Lord of House Deresnels: Although he's the Lord of a noble house in Ishgard, Zyrrkinoth certainly doesn't act like a nobleman "should"; he's wild, he's rowdy, and most of all, he damns tradition and proper manners to the seventh hell. Ishgardians of all walks of life may be able to recognize him; it's pretty hard to forget a nobleman with sharp horns, sharp fingernails, a sharp tongue, or a sharp wit.Voidsent: Zyrrkinoth is civil with other Voidsent for the most part, if he's made aware of an individual being one. He knows they ultimately can't help their hunger for aether, though he will still defend himself if he feels threatened by one.A bit off-putting: Those who are sensitive to aether in any way might be able to sense that Zyrrkinoth's aether is rather "off"; either they sense the presence of Darkness-polarized aether within him, or his own aether being Light-polarized. The most sensitive may even sense both at once...The thrill of the unknown: Mysteries, rumors, and odd tales all - Zyrrkinoth loves to hear about the unknown and speculate on the reasons why a certain object exists or how a certain event occurred.

OOC Information

Player is 29 and is female (she/her).
Server & Data Center: Mateus (Crystal)
Timezone: US Pacific (PST/PDT)
RP: Yes
• Dark and mature themes are totally okay - don't be afraid to get gritty with it.
Some blood is acceptable, but heavy gore is a solid no.
• I will not accept character death; I put a lot of time and thought into this dude. Feel free to heavily injure him, though, as long as the rule against heavy gore is followed.
• A bit of IC drama never hurt - don't be afraid to provoke Zyrrkinoth into a fight, as long as it doesn't bleed into OOC.
• ERP is a solid no; sexual themes make me uncomfortable. Getting a little flirty is fine, and I may allow for enough "suggestion" to get Zyrrkinoth flustered, but anything explicit will be turned down.
• Please understand that IC ≠ OOC. Zyrrkinoth's reactions are not my reactions, and vice-versa.
If I have the RP tag on, by all means, interact with me (walk-ups or /tells, I don't bite)!My preferred channel for RP in-game is /say, but if a place is too crowded, chat is scrolling by too quickly, or you'd prefer a bit of privacy, I'm open to using /party or /tell instead. (Please tell me if it's the "privacy" route, though; I'm bad at reading social cues.)I am also open to Discord RP if that is preferred over in-game RP, just be sure that we've met in-game first so that I recognize you.Player's Discord: StrikingSpearGungnir
If you contact me via Discord, tell me who you are in-game and how we've interacted. Your message will likely get deleted if you don't do this since I won't be able to recognize you.